
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EG Is home from Camp!!

Emma Grace with her counselors

Getting ready for the zip line

Kate on the zip line

EG showing us how it is done

Christopher getting ready

Being silly!
We recently picked Emma Grace up from camp after 4 weeks! We were so happy to see her and hear all about it!  She had a blast and could not stop talking about it on the way home.  So different than when I dropped her off.  On the ride up there she was so nervous and would have turned around and gone home if I had agreed. After the first couple of days at camp, that quickly changed into I never want to go home!  She made so many neat friends from all over Alabama and the United States!  The memories made while there were so fun to hear her tell and the person she has become being a part of such a unique place is priceless!  She has grown up sooo much and I am so proud of her.   I was pulled away while there to tell my story about Emma Grace and her experience with camp and I couldn't be more excited to share.  It was so worth any sacrifice I had to make to send her and have a feeling we will be going back next year.  There is something to be said for getting kids away from their cell phone, the computer, and all the expectations that are placed on them and just letting them be kids.
 While we were there Christopher and Kate (who went to the 2wk term last year) were able to participate in some of the activities that are offered during the 4 week term.  It was so fun to have all my kids back to together.  We have had a busy summer with the three of them going in totally different directions most of the time, but I guess that is what summers are for.  So glad to have all my babies home and back together! 
So,  now  with a 7th grader, a 6th grader, and a 4th grader we start a new chapter! Wow!! They grow up fast!  Hard to believe! We are thankful for the fun times had this summer and the opportunities to grow in each experience given.  I always tell my kids to make the most out of every opportunity and I think that is exactly what they did this summer!

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